Question 8: How Can Psychological Principles And Self-Hypnosis Techniques Help/Hinder Your Process Of Quitting Smoking?

BE sure that you are well rested and pick a day for your quitting that you feel energized and willing to stick to your guns. Do not just start for the sake of starting to quit!
You can make psychology work to your advantage and in your favor, which might actually get your results that can actually last and succeed. No anger, resentment, feelings of failure and the like will plague you any longer. You will be learning and claiming that smoking is bad for you and that quitting is a great pleasure and reward in and of itself to take you on that road of success of ridding your life, routine and health of smoking!
The THREE techniques individually and collective that we propose involve elements of  relaxing and relaxation techniques, projection type visualization or envisioning and even some professional or self-hypnosis.
Some might have success right away in a couple of days, for others it might take a little longer. This is the positive step that you are taking of really having that last cigarette – determined to quit once and for all and making it work, stick and last! YOU WILL KNOW IT and CLAIM it. YOU WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!
The power of suggestion is a great tool to rid your life of smoking for good.
It is safe to do and can be tackled in and from the convenience and comforts of your own home. It will also impact other areas of your life positively to great effect. You will have more energy, sleep better and not get as tired and anxious necessarily than while you were smoking. Many might ask about the wisdom, impact and sense of using something like hypnosis or suggestion, positive thinking, mind-over-matter type approaches. There are many testimonials and successes where these tools and alternatives have worked wonders for those who wanted to quit smoking permanently.
  • Making and using the power of suggestion is very simple.
  • It starts with introduction of an idea or thought – a suggestions if you will
  • This gets relayed to the  subconscious
  • It becomes part of your thinking permanently
Whether self or auto-suggestion, directly to the subconscious, the effects will last and work. It helps you think through, rationalize, ask questions, figure it out and experience reward, analysis and evaluation, helping you make decisions and appropriate actions that are BETTER for you.
You are probing and inquiring by actually making arguments with and for/against certain elements, things or virtues.
You will get rid of self-doubt and reap the fruits of success and continued pursuit.
You place your focus on success process and outcome – YOU WILL NOT FAIL. YOU WILL QUIT, stick with it and make it work. You will succeed. These are examples. Your conscious rationale being starts posing what ifs almost by nature and naturally! You try to make sense of it mentally, cognitively and with your rational mind. It brings up reminders of past attempts and failures, how it will change your life etc.
Now your resolution becomes a ‘hope’, not as strong a resolve anymore. This process happens almost automatically and if you do not catch yourself might actually ruin your chances of successfully quitting smoking once and for all. It makes it easier and somehow OK to just give up! BUT IT IS NOT AND DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!
Stick to your goal and purpose. Claim that you are going to quit in a positive, determined statement and put your will power to work, remind yourself of the facts and harmful nature, consequences and outcomes of smoking. Making decisions and actions to quit EASIER and SIMPLER to stick to.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations that you might want to consider using:

  • “I am definitely going to quit,”.
  • “I’m not going to fool around this time.
  • “I know the medical consequences are real and dire, the researchers are giving me the facts.”
  • I’ll use every bit of will power I’ve got to kick this habit.
Remember you are battling some tough memories and influences, even from your subconscious mind
  • ability and willingness to deal and cope with the changes of quiting
  • doubts about harmful effects of the cigarette habit
  • peers and friends, advice from others
  • prior attempts and failures
  • tobacco industry advertising
Make sure that the messages you are giving yourself are real and accurate, repeated often and having them front of mind will make it easier to not light up when the cravings hit.
Do not doubt yourself.
You need to make these statements to yourself without any doubt, filtering or critique. Just remain open-minded and receive them as stated for truth.
Hypnotic effects are greatly powerful if utilized correctly.
I you do not feel uncomfortable with trying something new and different then quitting smoking through utilizing there powerful suggestion techniques, can be greatly beneficial to you.
You can tell yourself that it tastes really bad (and it will!) or that it is disgusting and that you do not need them, that you will throw a cigarette away every time you pick one up and you will be surprised to see that it actually works post-hypnosis.
These techniques work together to inhibit the habits, not “cure” necessarily. Aversion therapy is also sometimes used to describe aspects of this approach.
Positive self-hypnosis like this will effect change. Your desires and wants, cravings will soon alter and or disappear. It is as much about having the right attitude about quitting than getting it right!
WE overlook, underestimate, ignore or treat these autosuggestions and related therapies with skepticism and dismissal, judging them on their jacket and not for their full worth, potential and impact.
You have a lot of power over both process and outcome by using this process. It is a powerful force in your own personal transformation from smoker to non-smoker!
Sub-conscious and awakened states work together to effect powerful behavioral changes in your real life and routine that can help you rid your life of smoking for good!
Harvard researchers have been quoted in numerous sources as saying:
The phenomenon of hypnosis has always seemed mysterious because it has always been difficult to understand how belief can bring about such unusual behavior. It seems as if there must be something more, some unfathomable force or power at work.
“However, the plain truth is that when a subject is convinced that he is deaf he behaves as if he is deaf, when convinced he is insensitive to pain, he can undergo surgery without anesthesia. The ‘mysterious force or power’ does not exist.
Nothing actually happens during the process itself, the results only manifest itself later, which makes it harder for some to believe and embrace that it actually works, has lots of potential and can really help you quit for good.
If can lead to confusion and even refusal to accept that something this simplistic can have such great effect and results that work and last. We look for emotions and/or proof that something major has occurred and are then almost disappointed that success has been brokered. We remain very skeptical that something like hypnosis could actually have helped and made the changes we so desperately want, seem so easy and simple!
IT IS NATURAL AND NOT DANGEROUS! Optimizing hypnosis and powerful positive suggestive therapy in this way can have great results. There are lots of cases where we are in semi-hypnotic states, staring into space, into fire, on the water, at the clouds etc. Yet, we do not find them strange of question their outcome. We are just set on not believing that any of these states and statements can actually help us in a meaningful way.
Build a picture of success for yourself in your minds eye. Being a non-smoker, not having your life rules by cigarettes and your bad habit and what that would be like can be extremely powerful. It is motivational and helps you steps closer to succeeding in quitting for good.
These are easily stored in your memory making it harder to light up next time as it is contrary to this ‘perfectly envisioned picture’ that you now have. When you recall from your memory, you will rather have the successful and positive picture to dictate your actions, more-so than the force of habit and routine or your craving.
Our motivation and incentives for continuing certain habits start and run deep. When we are not questioning our actions, hopes, statements and positive imagery, we can put our hypnosis to work to get us the results that you want and deserve.
You can picture yourself as succeeding at quitting smoking and make it so! You have the power to do so effectively, yourself, TODAY!
Visual imagery, mental pictures, positive statements all work together to create the dynamics for quitting effectively.  How you view yourself also plays into this equation. You are influencing and empowering yourself to get results and be successful and quitting and YOU WILL!
Visual techniques are powerful tools you can optimize in your quitting process to reap results you really want and can believe in, see quickly take effect in your life. You are not controlled but in control. That is the wonder and potential of the process.
It frees you from being a victim, passive-responsive party, to an active participant. Hypnotism techniques may vary but they are popular and work. It has been proven time and again with numerous seminars on the topic, converts and advocates all with stories and experiences to tell and share.
Weight-loss is another area where this has been extremely successful. Hypnosis can help you get rid of smoking in and from your life.
You start with positive statements about your current state, envisioned state and desired outcome and how and what will get you there, what success will look like and then claim it for yourself. Get rid of smoking – see it, want it , make it real! Your dream of quitting can become a pleasant reality.

Create the future and success! Build your own picture of what these results will look like and what it will/can do for you!

Here are some examples of these positive envisioning exercises and expressions.
  • Improve your eye-sight
  • Improve your physical health and strength once and for all
  • Improve your taste and smell
  • Kick your cigarette habit for good.
  • Live longer because you do not smoke!
You will have and know some GREAT results quitting smoking!
  • Change attitudes about habits and life, FOR GOOD!
  • Enhance your chance of fighting and even avoiding cancer or heart disease
  • Feel better all-round
  • Harness your own powers and prowess of self-hypnosis
  • Have little difficulty quitting smoking!
  • Have new images and new attitudes of what you want in and for your life
  • Increase your well-being
  • No lies and no self-deception, just claims of success and results abound!
  • Pursue your own happiness and wellbeing
  • Reach your inner-subconscious directly, affect and even change your habits and behavior successfully.
  • Redefine pleasure for yourself aside from smoking habits per se.
  • Reverse adverse effects on your health
  • Train your subconscious mind
You can effectively rewire your cognitive images to envision success quitting smoking.
Be overall MORE positive than ever and see results for a change. Make positive thoughts, action reinforce and establish some new habits that will FOREVER rid you of a nasty, unhealthy, bad habit of smoking.


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