Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Only the BRAVE HEARTS can quit smoking!
Every chain smoker wishes to quit smoking cigarettes. It is often said that cigarette smoking is the single most important modifiable risk factor for illness and the greatest single cause of preventable premature deaths in the United States. What exactly can be expected when smokers “modify” their behavior?
The evidence is clear that to quit smoking cigarettes is effective in decreasing the risk of developing a host of tobacco related illnesses. Fifteen years after giving up tobacco, the risk factor for coronary heart disease approaches that of individuals who never smoked.
Within two years of quitting smoking cigarettes, the risk of having a heart attack decreases to a level similar to that for those who have never smoked. Unfortunately, it is difficult to stop smoking, mainly because of the physical dependence on nicotine that plagues chronic smokers.
But this dependence can now be treated effectively with a combination of behavioral and pharmacological methods. This combination roughly doubles the success rate over placebo treatments for individuals who are motivated to quit smoking.
To quit smoking cigarettes can have an immediate positive impact on an individual’s health; for example, a 35-year-old man who quits smoking will, on the average, increase his life expectancy by 5.1 years. It can be possible to quit smoking cigarettes with the following steps:

Willpower & Confidence

Confidence and willpower is the two main possess, if you want to quit smoking cigarettes. If you can believe yourself then you have already won half of the battle. Try to recollect those days when you have proved your willpower. The only thing that you need is to boost up your spirits again.

Think about the benefits after You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

First think about the dangerous effects of smoking. Think how it is eating away your health. After that, think about the benefits of quitting smoking. Start applying them on yourself as quitting smoking cigarettes will increase you lifespan, will make you feel better..


Exercise will allow you to comfort yourself and will help you to get healthier than before. You may start your exercise with the walking. Go for one or two rounds of walking per day. As you may feel tiresome, do not fasten the process at the initial stage.
Ensure that you consult your physician. Deep breathing is great for the beginners. Try it for 3 to 5 minutes of deep breathing each day. Fancy a scene that you have turned down the cigarette offered by someone.

Think About Family

Family is precious for all. Smoking cigarettes is a costly affair, think how much you will save if you quit smoking. It will help you in making new friends who hates smoking and will help you to quit smoking cigarettes.
Initially you will behave illogically means that you will be restless. At that time remember your friends and family is there to help you out .Ask them to be open-minded with you and support you.

Planning To Quit Smoking

If you can comfortably quit smoking cigarettes at once then go for it otherwise does it other way round. First fix a particular date when you are going to quit smoking cigarettes.
Then plan number of cigarettes you will have each day until your quitting day. Minimize the number of cigarettes day after day. Keep changing your brands. This way you will stop enjoying smoking cigarettes.
Search for companion. Inspire each other. Feel pride in your clean teeth that is not possible with going with the habit of smoking cigarettes. Plan your journey to the auspicious day in a different manner.
After having completed two weeks of being a non-smoker, plan to see a movie. After continuing the battle to quit smoking cigarettes for one month visits a restaurant and so on.
Drink plenty of water everyday. All harmful chemicals are flushed out of your body with the help of water. In addition, it helps to reduce your longings for cigarettes. Try to work out on the reasons that forces you for a pack of cigarette like work load.
Avoid these situations, which forced you to have a smoke. Keep your mouth busy with things like chewing gum. Keep a miniature of someone who always inspires you to adopt good habits. Think that you are trying to quit smoking cigarettes for you and for that precious person.


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