Quit Smoking Now

The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That’s all you have to do. Change is not something you do, it’s something you allow.

Desire to Quit Smoking Now

Although you are love to smoking, let think about to quit smoking now. You must honestly build desire to quit smoking. Perhaps you have the felling that since you love so much to smoke, then how it is possible to quit smoking.
Someone knowing fully that driving car at high speed may lead to a serious accident, still he does that. So it is like that you know smoking is bad for you but still you enjoy smoking.

A Plan To Quit Smoking

You have to make up your mind to develop the desire to quit smoking now. Firstly, Make a list of merits of your smoking cigarettes. You can also make a list of de-merits experienced recently while smoking cigarettes.
Be liberal and make list of most idealistic reason that could lead you to quit smoking now. You may like to prove yourself a great economist “save money for tomorrow”, “The most obedient husband”, “be honest to your family” etc.
You will be motivated fast to quit smoking by reading the list everyday (Quit Smoking Motivation). Fix an appointment with your physician to see a human lungs picture taken out of smoker’s body. Ask your physician what good thing you are going to achieve after you have given up smoking etc.

Benefits Of Smoking

Go through deeply with your list of ‘benefits of smoking’, when you really have a definite desire to quit smoking. You may take a comparative statement about how a non-smoker handles boredom, which you cannot do without smoking and also about what leads a non-smoker to relax and get away with stress etc.
Be careful enough to know that, much of the positive effects of smoking are just temporary benefits. You already know the benefits of smoking, now as you want to quit smoking now, find out the replacements for these benefits that smoking was providing you.
Have a see through within yourself and find out is really the so-called benefits of smoking are giving you any useful atmosphere, where you can feel calm and relaxed. If it is true, then try to consider the fact how a non-smoker relaxes.
So, in the list of your benefits add some more points, which may duplicate other than smoking. You can really feel different than what you are today; if you sincerely try re-inventing your life.


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