Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking costs the United States over $167 billion each year in health-care costs including $92 billion in mortality-related productivity loses and $75.5 billion in excess medical expenditures.
One of the main reasons to quit smoking cigarettes is that it improves your overall health. Smokers who are smoking from long time become habitual to smoking cigarettes. They do not find any harm in smoking cigarettes. (Effects of Smoking)
They have included smoking cigarettes as their daily routine. Many smokers often decide to quit smoking. On the other hand, several smokers do not find any effective reasons to quit smoking cigarettes.
Indeed smokers feel that smoking cigarettes is helping them a lot. To support this statement, they say that smoking cigarettes relieves them from anxiety and makes them feel light.
They are addicted to smoking cigarettes to such an extent that they could not be able to work properly without smoking cigarettes. Thus, they do not find many effective reasons to quit smoking.

Healthy & Active Life

Actually they don’t know what they are missing. There are vast effective reasons to quit smoking cigarettes. The major effective reason to quit smoking cigarettes is health. After they quit smoking cigarettes, they will be able to lead a healthy and active life.

Heart Diseases

Another one of the effective reasons to quit smoking cigarettes is that the risk of heart disease gradually decreases up to half within a year (Smoking and Heart Diseases). After 15 years of non-smoking, your risk of heart disease would be almost equivalent to a non-smoker. Thus, your heart will be as normal as of non-smoker.

Lung Cancer

Decreasing the dangers of lung cancer is also another reasons to quit smoking cigarettes. The danger of lung cancer decreases up to 30 to 50 percent, after ten years. (Smoking and Lung Cancer)

Increase in Life Expectancy

If your age is 35 then after quitting smoking cigarettes, you are giving 7 to 8 more years to you. A woman smoker is incrementing her life from 6 to 8 years if she quit smoking at the age of 35.
You can add 6 to 7 more years to your life, if you are at the age group of 45. 3 to 6 years can be added, if you are 55. Moreover, 1 to 1.4 if you are 65. Therefore, you can always enjoy the benefits of healthy life and clean environment around you. It only depends on you.
It is up to you know to decide whether to have deadly diseases or to have a healthy life by quitting smoking cigarettes. You can opt for life and at the same time death also.
Your time span of smoking does not matter at all. The thing that really matters is enjoying the good reasons to quit smoking cigarettes. When you quit smoking cigarettes guarantees so many advantages, so a smoker should quit smoke without giving a second thought.
Life is precious do not play with your life. Your smoking habit is a slow poison, which is killing you slowly. Moreover, you are playing on your money. Smoking cigarettes has only disadvantages.


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