Quit Smoking – Is It Really Tough To Quit

Smoking is directly responsible for approximately 90 percent of lung cancer deaths and approximately 80-90 percent of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths.
It is tough to completely quit smoking, which is your favorite time pass or habit.
But, as we all know that smoking is like a slow poison and the only work of smoking is to destroy the person, who is having it with such a pleasure.

Determining To Quit Smoking

A smoker should strongly determine to quit smoking at any cost. Do not bother about the time you are taking to quit smoking. You have already taken the first step towards quitting smoking. You have won half of the battle by just determining to quit smoking.
It is possible that in very first attempt you may not get your desired destination. So never lose hope and think that you cannot quit smoking, keep trying.


Because of the presence of nicotine in the cigarette, it is tough to quit smoking. Nicotine act as an addictive and the smoker becomes addicted to it. Nicotine enhances the quantity of dopamine in the body. Due to its effect of dopamine, the smoker gets a nice feeling, when this dopamine enters the brain.
Sometimes, experts advise that to intake a little quantity of nicotine, until you get rid of it completely. This method takes time, but this is an effective way to quit smoking permanently.
There are several products available in the market that can replace nicotine, such as nicotine patch or gum. Apart from all these options, determination to quit smoking permanently is the most important thing in the process to quit smoking.

Changing Your Daily Routine

One major obstacle on your way to quit smoking is the making smoking as part of your daily routine. You smoke while working, during intervals, after dinner, having drinks in a party, when doing nothing or just to pass your time, etc.

Choosing a Date to Quit Smoking

First and foremost you must fix a day to quit smoking. Begin this mission by not to smoke during these intervals. You may find it difficult in the beginning. So, try to divert your mind on some other things and slowly you will notice a considerable progress in you.
To quit smoking is beneficial not only to your health but also to family. It will not only benefit you health wise but will also enable you to utilize these intervals creatively. You will be to save money, which can be used for some good cause.
While quitting smoking, do not get pessimistic but try to enjoy this phase with something constructive. The best thing one can do is to join any exercise program. Exercise is the proper replacement of smoking (Nicotine Replacement Therapy), as smoking makes you feel a little elevated, so do the exercise.
Always try to keep your hands and mouth busy by having chewing gum or ice cream or anything that engage your hands and mouth. To quit smoking is not an easy task for the smoker. The smoker has to go through many difficult phases, but one should never dishearten and keep trying to quit smoking.


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