Quit Smoking Side Effects: Know them then Deal with them

Smokers smoke cigarettes which contain a drug called nicotine. Once nicotine gets into your system, your body and brain get used to it, making it difficult to quit smoking. For those who decide that they’ll quit smoking cold turkey, they’ll be going through quitting smoking side effects and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These can be unpleasant and uncomfortable which is also one of the reasons why many quitters have gone back to smoking. But if you know how to deal with them, you will also be among those who have successfully kicked the habit for good.
Quitting smoking side effects and symptoms vary per person. You don’t actually get to experience all of them but you will be experiencing both physical and mental symptoms and you have to know how to deal with both.
There are different ways of managing these side effects and symptoms. Some doctors might prescribe medications while others advise changing your behavior. While it is true that adjusting to everyday life without cigarettes can be unpleasant and uncomfortable, these don’t last very long. Most of the time, the symptoms go away after a few days or after a couple of weeks. Listed below are some of the quitting smoking side effects and symptoms that you might experience.
Feeling down, sad or depressed
Difficulty in sleeping, bad dreams or nightmares
Irritability, frustration, impatience, and anger
Concentration issues
Jumpy, restlessness or boredom
Slower heart rate
Increased appetite
Weight gain
Headaches and dizziness
Constipation and gas
Cough, dry mouth, sore throat, and nasal drip
Chest tightness
One thing that you should observe is if after you quit smoking you feel extremely depressed then you should consider getting help. Talk to your doctor as to what you can take or what can be done with this side effect. In addition, get your family and friends involved since you will be with them everyday. They play an important role in providing you with support and in understanding your condition. Help them understand what you will go through and what they should do when the symptoms and side effects appear.
It would also help to have a reminder with you wherever you go. This reminder should contain positive and inspiring statements about quitting smoking.
The side effects of quitting smoking are but temporary. What you have to be concerned about is your health and the way you are living your life. It is better to stop now and live longer and healthier than forever deal with the consequences.


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