The Dangers of Second Hand Smoke

Smoking is a dangerous vice, not only to the smoker, but to the people around him as well. You might have heard before that second hand smoking poses more danger than actual smoking. To understand why this is the case, you must first understand a few things like the two type of smokers.
First you must know that there are actually two kinds of smoking, the active smoking and the passive smoking. Those who are actually smoking the cigarettes are the ones who are active smokers. Those who are able to inhale the smoke coming from these active smokers are the ones who are called the passive smokers, and the name of the smoke they inhale is second hand smoke. This second hand smoke is called such because it already has escaped the body of the active smoker; therefore this smoke contains the harmful ingredients like carbon monoxide and the likes.
You might be wondering how this second hand smoke is more harmful than the actual puffing of the cigarette. Look at this scenario, a smoker consciously exhales smoke; this means that the smoker has a great chance to get rid of majority of the harmful ingredients of the cigarette. This escapes the body through exhaling. Therefore, this smoke that is being exhaled, which is called the second hand smoke, becomes a very dangerous threat to other people when it is already exhaled. When other people, the passive smokers, inhale this they do not have the chance of consciously exhaling it, which will pose a greater threat to the body, this is why second hand smoke is much harmful compared to those actively smoking cigarettes.
The funny thing is that, this is sometimes made as an excuse by those smokers who do not fully understand the situation. They say that instead of becoming passive smokers, it will be safer to indulge in smoking and become an active smoker for it poses less danger. This is wrong analogy. When you are an active smoker, you are immediately a passive smoker since the smoke you exhale is most likely what you will be inhaling, unless you avoid all the smoke which is impossible. This means that you still have the risks of being a passive smoker when you are an active one, the risks are even greater.
To avoid the negative effects of smoking, especially that you know how much burden it will cause you and the people around you, you should just quit doing it. The more you smoke the more harm you do not only to yourself but to others as well.


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