Busting the Beliefs of Smoking Hookah

For those who think that they have a better option, a lot safer one at that, than smoking cigarettes and with this they mean smoking hookah, then they have got it all wrong. There have been many beliefs that smoking hookah is a lot safer than smoking cigarettes, this is not true, and in fact hookah also known as, shisha, narghile or goza poses equally the same risks, sometimes even more risks at some cases.
For those who do not know what hookah is, hookah is actually a water pipe. It resembles the sensation of smoking. People actually believe that hookah is much safer than cigarette, just because they think the water filters all the toxins of the smoke. It is an absurd belief that needs to be corrected.
Smoking hookah might pose more danger, on the contrary to what they say that it is safer. This is because you are inhaling a much larger quantity of smoke compared to when you only smoke a cigarette. Hookah even contains similar harmful ingredients with cigarettes; it contains tar, carbon monoxide, carcinogens and a lot more. It even contains more carbon monoxide which may cause carbon monoxide poisoning, resulting to headaches, confusion and flu like symptoms.
Smoking hookah also causes lung cancer, oral problems and even heart diseases. All the sickness that may be linked to cigarette smoking, you might also get from smoking hookah. Hookah is also highly addictive because of its nicotine content. You might be surprised to find your body already craving for hookah after sometime of intake. And since you are producing a lot more smoke than compared to cigarette smoking, you are actually causing more dangers to the people around you. It has been reiterated several times that passive smokers are also in danger to the same degree with those active smokers. And because you produce more smoke in hookah smoking, you are actually causing more trouble and health risks.
It is also not recommended that pregnant women smoke hookah. This is because of the said similar effects of smoking cigarettes and hookah, smoking hookah will also cause the babies to weigh a lot lower. Besides all those that have been said, smoking hookah is unhygienic. This is especially true when you are only smoking hookah in bars and you do not have your own personal water pipe. Those hookah pipes might not be cleaned properly, which basically means all the more reason for you to stop patronizing hookah.
Hookah is not a better alternative of smoking, it is simply an alternative. It is not better in anyway, it seems to have the same dangers of cigarette smoking and in some cases it is even more dangerous depending on what perspective you take.


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