Quitting Smoking Everyday

When you decide to quit smoking, it is a choice that you have to make everyday. It entails commitment and dedication. But it also gives you many more reasons to enjoy life and live healthier, longer. Quitting smoking everyday is a process and because you will be fighting against your cigarette cravings, here are some things that you might want to consider so that you will be well prepared.
It all begins with understanding yourself, understanding the reasons behind your smoking, and accepting that you have an addiction. List them down on a sheet of paper and keep it in a place where you can easily view it. This piece of paper can serve as your motivation for quitting smoking. It would also help if you read books, articles, and other materials that discuss smoking and nicotine addiction as well as those that discuss the benefits of not smoking. Don’t saturate your mind with the negativity. Look and explore the positive side as well. The positive side refers to why you want to quit smoking, the benefits you’ll get, and the like. Once you are in this state of mind, you can then set your quit date.
Before you actually quit smoking, you should also seek your doctor’s advice. Talk to your doctor about your decision, about symptoms and side effects, and about the different quitting smoking methods and programs that are available today. If you have other medical conditions that you have to worry about, discuss this with your doctor as well before quitting smoking.
You should also talk to your family, friends, and co-workers. Inform them about your decision to quit and how they can help you stay smoke-free. They are your support group so make sure that they will be able to understand what you will be going through. You can even find a quitting buddy or a quitting partner to help you through.
Learn to identify what are your smoking triggers. You can then list down how you are going to deal with these situations so that you won’t end up lighting a cigarette. Consider exercising, going for a short walk, getting a new hobby or anything that will keep you busy. This can help take your mind off smoking. When you feel that the symptoms are too intense, go talk about it to someone, your quitting partner or your doctor.
Quitting smoking is possible. It is a decision that you have to make everyday. And just like the many ex-smokers out there who continue to be smoke-free everyday, you can be like them too. It all starts with quitting smoking now.


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